Cacao Ceremony @ I Land Sound Festival 2022
What is Cacao Ceremony

A cacao ceremony is a spiritual event that involves the consumption of ceremonial-grade cacao, which is made from raw and minimally processed cacao beans. This is a new way of relating that originates from the new space holders of Lake Atitlan Guatemala.

Ceremonies that involve the usage of cacao have their roots in ancient Mesoamerican cultures, where cacao was considered a sacred plant with various spiritual and medicinal properties.

During modern day cacao ceremonies, participants typically gather in a ceremonial space, often guided by a facilitator or ceremonial leader. 

The ceremony may include elements such as meditation, music, chanting, intention-setting, and other spiritual practices. 
The cacao is usually consumed in the form of a warm drink and participants are encouraged to connect with the plant medicine on a deeper level.

Ceremonial grade cacao has heart-opening and mood-enhancing properties, and the ceremony is often seen as a way to promote self-discovery, inner healing, and connection with others.

It's important to note that the cacao used in these ceremonies is distinct from the common chocolate found in stores, as ceremonial-grade cacao is minimally processed and retains its natural, potentially psychoactive compounds.

Cacao ceremonies have gained popularity in various wellness and spiritual communities, and people participate in them for a range of reasons, including personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual exploration.
DaliLeo Cacao farm @ Alta Verapaz, Guatemala 2023
Five benefits from drinking ceremonial cacao:

Mood Enhancement: Cacao contains compounds such as theobromine, phenylethylamine, and anandamide, which are believed to have mood-enhancing properties. These compounds may contribute to feelings of joy, relaxation, and overall well-being.

Heart Health: Cacao is rich in flavonoids, which are antioxidants that may have cardiovascular benefits. Some studies suggest that regular consumption of dark chocolate (high in cacao content) may contribute to improved heart health by promoting healthy blood flow and reducing blood pressure.

Nutrient Content: Ceremonial cacao is a good source of various nutrients, including magnesium, iron, and antioxidants. These nutrients play essential roles in supporting overall health and well-being.

Mental Clarity: The presence of theobromine in cacao is thought to have stimulant effects, potentially contributing to increased mental alertness and clarity. Also heightened focus and concentration.

Spiritual and Emotional Benefits: Ceremonial cacao is often associated with spiritual and emotional benefits. The participants in cacao ceremonies claim to experience a sense of inner peace, emotional release, and enhanced self-awareness. The ceremony itself, with its ritualistic aspects and intention-setting, can contribute to a meditative and reflective state.

“ May the Heart of the Sky be in my Heart.
May my Heart be in the Heart of the Earth.
May the Heart of the Earth be in my Heart.
May my Heart be in the Heart of the Sky! ”
Vocal Activation and Cacao Ceremony @ Yelapa Gathering 2023
Creating Sacred Space

Creating a sacred space for a cacao ceremony involves setting an intentional and respectful environment that promotes connection, introspection, and spiritual exploration. 

Here are some steps to help you create a sacred space for a cacao ceremony:

Cleanse the Space: Purify the space energetically by smudging with sage or other cleansing herbs. This helps to clear any negative energies and create a fresh, positive environment.

Altar Setup: Create an altar at the center of the space. Include meaningful items such as candles, crystals, flowers, or personal objects that hold significance to you or the group. Place the cacao at the center of the altar.

Music: Choose music that enhances the ceremonial experience. Many cacao ceremonies incorporate gentle, instrumental, or ceremonial music to support the meditative atmosphere.

Intention Setting or Opening the Sacred Directions: Begin by setting a clear intention for the ceremony. This could be personal healing, spiritual growth, or any other goal you or the group may have.
Opening the Sacred Directions is a shamanic practice for the ones who are initiated into this path and have a lineage and teacher.​​​​​​​

Guided Meditation or Opening Ritual: Begin the ceremony with a guided meditation or an opening ritual to help participants center themselves and set the tone for the experience.

Space Holding: Integrate a fire ceremony, singing circle, sound healing, breathwork session or your unique healing template.

Remember, the key is to create a space that feels sacred and honors the intention of the ceremony. Adjust these suggestions based on your own spiritual beliefs, cultural influences, and the preferences of the participants.

Sharing Circle: If it feels appropriate, provide a space for participants to share their experiences or insights from the ceremony. This can deepen the sense of community and connection.

Closing Ritual, Closing the Sacred Directions: Conclude the ceremony with a closing ritual or meditation, expressing gratitude for the experience and any insights gained. 
Picture from a Mayan Fire Ceremony that includes cacao, Guatemala 2019
Write to me if you wish to learn about holding ceremony and working with cacao in a 1:1 zoom call:
Thank you!
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